Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Meg’s Memoir – part 2

A debriefing from India

On Meg Walker’s journey to Hindoustan

By Siamak Delzendeh

Mon, 23 Jan 2006 20:28:43 +0530
From:"meg walker" <*****>
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Subject: from the Taj to the ditches
The sun was out, the heat gentle, and walking around on the platform *outside* the tomb itself was a fantastic experience because the finely carved marble screens (called jalis) and intricately decorated archways are inviting in and of themselves. Inside the Taj itself,
the space to walk is relatively small, maybe 40 feet across the circular area (the actual tomb is beneath). Plus there's very little light and way too many people, so after a few minutes of gazing at a deliciously ornate chandelier hanging over the tombstone, I was happier to be outside gazing at the views and the other buildings on the grounds (anyone with the experience of seeing the Mona Lisa in the Louvre will relate to this!).

Meg is joining the negative space whether she ignores the cow or not. I don’t want to say that she’s not paying enough attention to the cow, but I’m not sure if she’s aware that at this moment the cow itself is part of the negative space. Cow has a texture of time. It enters our dreams and sight and transforms to the space. While looking to a cow we are looking to time, not as the forth dimension but as the empty space as the essence of whatever exists.

Itching: Flaming Beauty. Righteous persistence brings reward. Success! Rearing cows – good fortune!

Mona Lisa, or whatever her real name had been, was a cow in Chinese astrology. Even if it was the self-portrait of Leonardo himself, no doubt Leonardo had been a cow in Chinese astrology.

Parouksha: “The more and more a painting tells the truth about nature, the more and more it lies about it.”

to be continued...

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